Causes We Support

Although there are many causes in the world that we would like to support. After much thought however, we have landed on a cause close to home. We have pledged to donate ten percent of our profits in every quarter to help educate underprivileged kids in India. There are thousands of kids who are unable to pursue basic education due to lack of funds. Depriving them of an opportunity to succeed in life. We are trying to change that. We understand that this is an ambitious goal; too big for our humble business venture. However, with your help and our perseverance, we believe we can change this one kid at a time. Here are the ways we plan to help:

 - Award scholarships to underprivileged students with good academic record, who are at a risk of dropping out due to lack of funding.

 -  Contribute money towards building safer classrooms to protect kids from natural elements so that they can focus better.

 - Providing incentive in form of daily meals and monthly financial help, so that kids are not compelled to join the work force to sustain basic needs such as food and clothing.